The Rockwood Hope Center Vision
For years I've had a dream to open a center of hope in the heart of Rockwood. When Gwenna and I (and a small group of friends)
were called to plant AS IS Church in 2012 we prayed that He would provide a permanent facility where we could feed hungry people, clothe those that need clothing, offer healing to the hurting, care for the orphaned and widowed, love the unwanted and rejected, disciple the already connected, and bring about real change to this community! The Rockwood Hope Center Vision
were called to plant AS IS Church in 2012 we prayed that He would provide a permanent facility where we could feed hungry people, clothe those that need clothing, offer healing to the hurting, care for the orphaned and widowed, love the unwanted and rejected, disciple the already connected, and bring about real change to this community! The Rockwood Hope Center Vision